
Followfood produces organic food products that can be tracked using a tracking code on the packaging.


Project details

In collaboration with the agency TankTank we implemented the relaunch of followfood's brand website. The aim was to improve brand perception. The new followfood website includes a product overview, a magazine with recipe recommendations and lots of other information on fishing and product sustainability.

The user is immersed in the colorful followfood world with beautiful animations right from the home page. From here, they can navigate to the different areas of the website and, for example, enter the tracking code of their followfood product to receive background information (e.g. origin, fishing method or transport route) on the product they have purchased. The exact fishing area can be traced on a world map.

Contao is used as the content management system, which can be easily adapted to the customer's requirements. We have also integrated a newsletter tool and are constantly expanding the website.

We are proud to have brought the followfood movement a step forward with this beautiful website. For example, we implemented the "ReLaWi" campaign:

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